“Captain America #193-200 (Story book set of 8 includes #195 Autographed by Jack Kirby)


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Captain America #193-#200

(8 book story line set)

All 8 books in this set are Collector Self Graded according to CGC guidelines. Kept in perfect protection: Air Conditioning, in Polyethylene ComicCare bags with Boards. Filed in protected Comic Defense System Storage Boxes for approximately 50 years. Individual sale price N/A (Sold only as a package deal of all 8 Story line books #193 – #200) You can purchase the entire series for $4,450. Which includes Captain America # 195 (Book Part 3 of 8) autographed by Jack Kirby.

Captain America #200

About book #200: This book is collector self graded at 9.0: “Dawn’s Early Light!” Part 8 of 8. Script, and pencils by Jack Kirby. Inks by Frank Giacoia. Cover by Jack Kirby and Frank Giacoia. For the 200th issue of Marvel’s Captain America title! Marvel set this story on the 200th anniversary of the United States.
It is the bicentennial. America, and Captain America must stop the “Big Daddy” Madbomb and defeat the Royalist Forces of America. Captain America and the Falcon launch a bold two part plan to save the country! Cap leads a small assault team onto William Taurey’s estate to capture the leader of the Elite. While in Philadelphia, the Falcon and a SHIELD strike force attempt to destroy the Madbomb! Can Cap and the Falcon score a double victory…and save the day for the America? (Notes: William Taurey and the Elite will return in Thunderbolts #31. This was the last Marvel comic book with a $0.25 cover price. 30-cent  variants exist.) 32 pages. Cover price $0.25) 32 pages. Cover price $0.25

Captain America #199

About book #199: This book is collector self graded at 9.0 “The Man Who Sold the United States!” Part 7 of 8. Script, and pencils by Jack Kirby. Inks by Frank Giacoia and Mike Esposito. Cover by Jack Kirby and Frank Giacoia.

Our story begins with help from SHIELD. Captain America and the Falcon storm the Harding mansion! However Mason Harding, creator of the Madbomb is not inside! Held captive at the William Taurey estate, by the Royalist Forces of America. Thanks to a miniature madbomb, Harding escapes and returns home. The Falcon and Captain America plead with him to reveal the location of the “Big Daddy” Madbomb. Will Harding comply? Cameo appearances by Carol Harding and William Taurey. (Notes: The Madbomb saga, Captain America Omnibus by Jack Kirby debuted in 2011 as a hardcover edition. The edition combines issues 193 thru 214). This is the $0.25 book. 30-cent  variants exist. 32 pages.

(Notes: The Madbomb saga, Captain America Omnibus by Jack Kirby debuted in 2011 as a hardcover addition.

Captain America #198

About book #198: This book is collector self graded at 9.0 “Captain America’s Love Story!” Part 6 of 8. Script, and pencils by Jack Kirby. Inks by Frank Giacoia and Mike Esposito. Cover by Jack Kirby and Frank Giacoia.

Captain America and the Falcon get a lead on the Madbomb! An electronics genius named Mason Harding is the prime suspect. They head to the east coast and make plans to infiltrate the sprawling Harding mansion. Cap slips inside a second floor window. He finds Carol Harding, daughter of Mason Harding. She is very charming, and very ill. The raid on the mansion must wait until Cap can get Carol to safety. Cameo appearance by General Argyle Fist. (Notes: Marvel Treasury Special — Captain America’s Bicentennial Battles  published with a new story, and art by Jack Kirby. The letters page includes Marvel Value Stamp series B #91 (Silver Surfer). This is the $0.25 book. 30-cent  variants exist.) 32 pages. Cover price $0.25.

Captain America #197

About book #197: This book is collector self graded at 9.0 “The Rocks Are Burning!” Part 5 of 8. Script, and pencils by Jack Kirby. Inks by Frank Giacoia. Cover by Jack Kirby and John Verpoorten. The story begins.
The kill-derby rages on in the Royalist Forces of America’s hidden base! While the Falcon fights to stay alive amidst the free-for-all, Captain America struggles with the blue team fighter who has his shield! Just as the Sentinel of Liberty regains possession of his shield, he hears loud explosions! Then the RFA’s secret headquarters begins to shake, and at last! The army has finally found the underground complex, and pandemonium erupts inside as everyone dashes for the base’s exits including Cheer Chadwick, the Elites and Captain America and the Falcon! Who will get out alive, and who will not, and where is the Madbomb? Cameo appearances by Dr. Hesperus Chadwick and General Argyle Fist. (Notes: Cheer Chadwick returns years later in Thunderbolts #31. The letters page includes a letter from comics editor Ralph Macchio. The letters page also contains Marvel Value Stamp series B #78 (Conan). This is the $0.25 book. 30-cent  variants exist.) 32 pages. Cover price $0.25.

) 32 pages. Cover price $0.25.

Captain America #196

About book #196: This book is collector self graded at 9.0 “Kill-Derby!” Part 4 of 8. Script, and pencils, by Jack Kirby. Inks by D. Bruce Berry. Cover by Jack Kirby and Frank Giacoia.

Cheer Chadwick enters Captain America, and the Falcon into the death derby! Captain America, Falcon, and Tinkerbelle are on the red team. The fighting is intense between the red team and the enemy blue team. Cap plows through several blue team members, and goes for broke to recover his shield. Elsewhere, the U.S. Army is searching for the Royalist Forces of America’s underground base. Cameo appearance by General Argyle Fist. (Note: The letters page includes a letter from comics publisher Dean Mullaney. The letters page contains a statement of ownership. This is the $0.25 book. 30-cent  variants exist.) 32 pages. Cover price $0.25.

 Cap must find his shield. He

Captain America #195

(Autographed by Jack Kirby)

About book #195: Autographed by Jack Kirby: This book is collector self graded at 9.4 “It’s 1984!” Part 3 of 8. Script, and pencils by Jack Kirby. Inks by D. Bruce Berry. Cover by Jack Kirby and Frank Giacoia.
The story begins inside the Royalist Forces of America‘s secret base, the Living Legend and the Falcon escape from their holding cell and begin wreaking havoc on the RFA’s troops! Eventually, they reach the medical lab and run into one of the Royalist Forces’ aristocrats: Cheer Chadwick. She is one of the Elite, but she likes Captain America! Be careful shield-slinger — never trust an aristocrat! First appearance of Cheer Chadwick. Cameo appearances by Dr. Hesperus Chadwick and General Argyle Fist. (Note: The letters page includes Marvel Value Stamp series B #42 (Incredible Hulk).) 32 pages. Cover price $0.25.

Captain America #194

About book #194: This book is collector self graded at 9.0″The Trojan Horde!” Part 2 of 8. Script, and pencils by Jack Kirby. Inks by Frank Giacoia. Cover by Jack Kirby and John Verpoorten.
Captain America and the Falcon go to a remote wilderness area near the Badlands looking for the Madbomb, but the government has unwittingly sent Cap, and the Falcon into the clutches of the Royalist Forces of America! The Cap doesn’t know who they are, but he learns that the shadowy group is performing gruesome experiments on its captives! Will Captain America and the Falcon be the next victims? First (cameo) appearance of William Malcolm Taurey. (Notes: The letters page includes a letter from Fantagraphics publisher Kim Thompson. The letters page also contains Marvel Value Stamp series B #27 (Dracula). Madbomb saga! reprinted in 2004 in paperback: Captain America and the Falcon Madbomb. The TPB collets issues 193 thru 200.) 32 pages. Cover price $0.25.

Captain America #193

About book #193: This book is collector self graded at 9.0 “The Madbomb – Screamer in the Brain!” Part 1 of 8. Script, and pencils by Jack Kirby. Inks by Frank Giacoia and Mike Esposito. Cover by Jack Kirby and John Romita Sr. (inks). The King, Jack Kirby returns to Marvel and takes the reins of the Captain America title for the bicentennial year!
Our story begins. Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson are visiting Leila Taylor’s Bronx apartment. They hear a ruckus outside, and find people in the streets going crazy and destroying everything in sight! Captain America immediately leaps into action engaging the insane rioters! After taking several blows, the Cap spots a strange device. It’s a small Madbomb! SHIELD agents take Cap and the Falcon to a secret base to meet Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. The duo learns of the giant Madbomb and its incredible destructive power! (Notes: This issue begins Jack Kirby’s 2-year run as the writer and penciler of the Captain America series. The letters page includes a letter from comics publisher Dean Mullaney. The letters page also contains Marvel Value Stamp series B #1 (Spider-Man). 32 pages. Cover price $0.25.


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